My Research
On this page I describe my research interests. They are varied but all related to gravitational wave detection.
What is gravitational wave detection? What are gravitational waves? Please read the following English transcription of one of my weekly radio columns that run on the Argentine Public radio during 2009:
Einstein’s unfinished Symphony
The article describes the very fundamental aspects of gravitational wave production and detection.
My research in gravitational wave detection covers two different areas to which I dedicate my efforts:
1.LIGO group
This area cover several different projects, that range from aspects of materials testing to characterization of some aspects of the instruments utilized to detect gravitational waves.
A more detailed description of this projects can be consulted in this other page
2. Time Domain Optical Astronomy Group
There are some events like the collision of neutron stars or other compact objects like white dwarves that in the process of a violent merger would emit electromagnetic waves in addition to the gravitational waves predicted by Einstein’s theory.
I am the Principal Investigator for a project funded by the national Science Foundation named TOROS.
You can check what it is here:
I am also the director of the UTRGV Cristina Torres Memorial
Astronomical Observatory: CTMO

The Transient Optical Robotic Observatory of the South (TOROS) in Cordón Macón, in the provine of Salta, Argentina,
With the participation of many students I have built over the years what is the only astronomical observatory in South Texas, located at Resaca de la Palma State Park.

My most recent book with collaborators Gaby Gonzalez and Jorge Pullin available from all major vendors (amazon, barnes and noble, apple ibooks, etc)
A shorter Spanish version written in collaboration with Lidia Diaz and aslo available from all major vendors.